I am currently an associate professor of finance at Baruch College, City University of New York. Before joining Baruch, I was an Assistant Professor at INSEAD and a strategist at State Street Global Advisors. My research interests center around how market frictions shape finance. Most of my works concern the interaction of three areas: asset pricing, trading, and information. Academic Positions - Associate Professor of Finance, Baruch College, City University of New York, 2024-present - Assistant Professor of Finance, Baruch College, City University of New York, 2014-2023 (three bridge years) - Assistant Professor of Finance, INSEAD, 2010-2013 Education - Boston College, Ph.D. in Finance - Advisors: Philip Strahan, Ronnie Sadka - The Ohio State University, MA in Economics - Southeast University, B. Engineering (Selected to Chien-Shiung Wu Gifted Program) xi.dong@baruch.cuny.edu |